intersting fact about your name in law

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intersting fact about your name in law

Post by BASEL » Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:52 am

Heres some more info on the straw man

The Untold History of "Straw Man" in British Common Law

Once one understands the true legal history of the "STRAW MAN," it is possible to tackle him head on.

UK's Inland Revenue Code

As you will discover, the Inland Revenue tax file number is a "public" number belonging to a "public persona," a "person," a legal entity different from yourself and artificial as well; i.e. existing in contemplation of or by force of law alone.

This is your alter ego, all-capital letters-written-name straw man. "STRAW MAN" is a legal term for a "front man," or nominal party to a transaction, existing in name only, which allows the owner to accomplish some purpose not otherwise permitted.

Owner, Slave and Master

A straw man serves its owner/master with slavish devotion, but the vast majority of you do not even know that you have one. If you lack this key perception, you may assume you are his owner, but you will never be the master!

[Herein lies the CONCEPT that will free you of worry and personal liability in operating virtual corporations in Cyberspace. OWNERSHIP is passé in the new age of digital laissez-faire capitalism. USE is the new' key perception' - as use pre-empts ownership. - RRR]

He has been running around obligating you and entering into all kinds of unconscionable contracts and causing you much grief, heartache, and economic misery. It is time you get to know this fellow and set things straight.

Most people understand that the law is very precise, with legalized deadly violence attached to the words appearing in the text of the codes that are enforced by both courts and police.

English and the Language of Law

The English language and its accepted rules of grammar are likewise precise, however, and make no accommodation for proper nouns to be written in all-capital letters. The all-capital letters-written name which appears on your IRD [Inland Revenue Department] Statements, driver's license, passport, bank statement, credit cards, etc., and which is rigidly enforced by the legal system, is not there by mistake - as the law is very precise.

But it is not your "True Name," which appears with only initial letters capitalised. The all-caps version is the name of your mirror image straw man and is written in another language: "Legalese." The primary pitfall is that an all-capital letters name sounds exactly like a true name when spoken). This phenomenon has no particular significance in our society - except in a courtroom, and a courtroom can be a dangerous place.

Simple observation tells us that a primary function of today's private, foreign-owned and operated court system is the transfer of personal wealth and freedom over to the banks and government.
The judge is calling out a name in one language, "Legalese," (he is reading from the legal documents in front of him), and you are innocently listening and answering in another, "English."

This otherwise harmless overlap of "language" is then immediately applied to your profound detriment. Such deception is now indispensable in maintaining the current level of commercial success of the courts (e.g. visit any "traffic court" for an hour and keep a tally of the proceeds). An all-capital letters-written name is an artificial construction and designates an artificial person existing only by force of or in contemplation of law.

The problem enters in when a man or woman mistakenly believes that such a corruption of their true name refers to them - a calamitous case of mistaken identity. However, all law-to be "law" - must offer remedy and recourse.

The Code is the Law

The private forum of the UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) offers such a remedy. This is not intended to be a cure-all for legal woes and does not pretend to be anything other than a work-in-progress for legal self-discovery.

For thousands of years the Powers That Be have been steadfastly constructing the System by which world law and commerce operate. They have developed their system utilising timeless principles of human interaction which, over the millennia, have been discovered and codified. These fundamental, common-sense principles underlie every form of law extant on the planet.

Every legal issue and dispute deals with one or more of these principles. Since all human interchange is commerce, in order to rule people it is necessary only to govern the commerce by which they interact and subsist.

Those operating the system have achieved their pre-eminence by knowing the foundational principles and encrypting them into "codes" for their own benefit, while confusing the masses and keeping them ignorant of such real law and how to employ it correctly. The pinnacle of their efforts to date is the UCC (Uniform Commercial Code). Commerce now functions under, and is securely entrenched in, the UCC.

The important points to remember are that while the UCC was formulated for purposes of exploitation and subjugation, it is a particular codification of the universal underlying laws of commerce, and, perhaps most importantly, can be employed for our benefit now that the code has been "cracked."

Protocols within the Code
The foundational maxims of the underlying commercial law, from which all law and commerce in the world today derive, are:

1.A workman is worthy of his hire.
2.All are equal under the law (moral and natural law).
3.In commerce truth is sovereign.
4.Truth is expressed in the form of an affidavit.
5.An unrebutted claim, charge, or affidavit stands as the truth in commerce.
6.An unrebutted affidavit becomes the judgement in commerce.
7.All matters must be expressed to be resolved.
8.He who leaves the field of battle first loses by default.
9.Sacrifice is the measure of credibility (one who has not been damaged by, given to, lost on account of, or put at risk by another has no basis to make claims or charges against him/her).
10.A lien or claim can be satisfied only through rebuttal by counter affidavit point-for-point, resolution by jury, or payment.

The reason, this scenario prevails is because the world has been set up to run precisely this way. We (the slaves) were just not supposed to figure it out.

Code is Set in Stone

Before the bankruptcy of the established nation states, [invocation of a debt-based system of finance], men and women sovereigns were personally accountable for their actions in courts that were set up to accommodate disputes among sovereigns (such as the original common law in England before 1066).

Now, the people's straw men, which are legally owned property of the system, are the "accountable parties" as adjudicated and enforced by the system. Such formerly sovereign men and women are now personally accountable because they are inextricably joined with their straw men which is owned via implied contract by a handful of arch-charlatans.

Courts today are set up to deal only with straw men. We, their unfortunate counterparts, are merely "along for the ride." A sovereign (real being) has no place in a contemporary court (commercial, dealing in artificial persons), and cannot be legally accommodated.

Only if the current debt-based system of finance and government is rectified will we ever get back to a sane and just basis for resolution of disputes and a sound civilisation.

Your Moral Code is Primary

As a great Indian sage stated the matter: "Seek the highest first." This means, inter alia, to maintain your integrity and ethical behavior. In practice this requires that you keep your word, honour your contracts, and not depart from your principles.

A fundamental flaw in Man's thinking is the notion that he can cheat moral or natural law (usually by trying to cheat others) and get away with it. Every such attempt generate inexorable cause/effect consequences, all man's philosophies, systems, and cleverness to the contrary notwithstanding.

The entirety of our predicament is due to failure to live in harmony and accord with moral and natural law. The current system is the cause/effect result of our own folly. All governments are expressions of, and exist by virtue of, the people's irresponsibility, ignorance, laziness, larceny, and surrender of personal power, freedom, and autonomy in exchange for "being taken care of."

In other words, every government exists due to the express will, as well as implied default of, the people (combined with the willingness of the ruthless to accept and manage the surrender of the people's power to the fictitious, artificially created, "government"). As Joseph de Maistre noted: "Every country gets the government it deserves."

What Can People Do?

To start with you must declare that you and your strawman are not one and the same.
This is done via a very carefully worded affidavit, a "Statutory Declaration of True Name". This affidavit states exactly what your correct name is and that you are not to be confused with or represent in any way any of the straw man versions of your name.

Next you will actually create an entity that takes on the names of your strawman. That is to say you will literally bring your straw man to life.

Your strawman will be an entity officially created under UK law having it's own legal status. The benefit is that you will not have to try and convince anyone that you are not one and the same as your strawman. It will be self-evident.

The strawman will have it's own director and owner. The director and owner will represent the entity in all matters. The place for service and official address will be the same as the man or woman the entity is created to protect.

For example Mr John Frank Doe and Mrs Jane Mary Doe of 22 New Street, Newmarket wish to protect themselves. This is what they do:

Mrs Jane Mary Doe forms a company called JOHN FRANK DOE LIMITED to protect her husband.

She then registers several names as "doing business as" these are the entities' registered trademark - names, registered at the Companies Office.

She registers: JOHN F. DOE, JOHN FRANK DOE, J. F. DOE, JOHN DOE, John Frank DOE, John F. Doe, J. F. Doe, John Doe, DOE John Frank.

Mrs Doe registers 22 New Street, Newmarket as the place for service etc..

The newly formed entity will conduct no business at all! It will have no NI [Inland Revenue Department] number and no bank account. It will essentially be a shelf company that exists in name only to prove legally that the entity exists and that John Frank Doe is not that entity.

Mr Doe will do the same for Mrs Doe.

Key Legal Perception
You do not want to own or direct a company that looks like your own name as that would serve to defeat the purpose. The reason the entity is formed is so that you are able to simply distinguish between yourself, the living man or woman, and the entity created by government to control you.

After reading this material, understanding its implications and applying it correctly you will be in a commanding position against prosecution in admiralty court.

As previously stated the courts can now only deal with the entities that governments create. The entity that sounds like your name does no business thus having a rock solid defence in any situation.

I wonder how long it takes them to bury this topic, as it seems the norm now on this forum for good info being buried under 100's of meaninless threads.
To resist the influence of others, knowledge of one's self is most important.

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